Thursday, April 3, 2008

So sad.

Wow. A national poll in Ireland reveals that an absurd amount of people believe that a rape victim is partially (or totally) to blame for being attacked.

ONE in THREE people believe a woman who wears revealing clothes are either partly or fully responsible if they are sexually assaulted.

What the fuck.

Contrary to popular belief, women do not do everything they do to get men to grope them. Actually, women OFTEN wear things because its what appeals to them, not because they are "begging for it". I know, it's shocking.

Can't a woman be proud of her body without it being for man's pleasure? When I wear a short skirt, I do it because I LIKE IT. Women should be allowed to show off their body without fearing ramifications. It sounds so medieval:

Man: "Well, Yeah I raped her, but she was luring me with her shedevil powers!! I couldn't resist!! I'm only a helpless man, woe is me."

Fuck that. Men need to take responsibility for their actions instead of trying to blame the victim.

It's funny that our culture puts so much emphasis on forcing women to look like porn stars to feel pretty, and then blame them when it "makes men do evil things". Newsflash: men rape because they have terrible issues- NOT because of a mini-skirt.

Read more about this at the amazing Feministing blog

Female Chauvinist Pigs

Read it. it will change your world.